Vogelpiks Darts and Dartboards

LAST DAY TO ORDER PIKS, BOARDS or KITS for Xmas 2024 is Dec 13th!

Vogelpik - Belgian Darts
BIRCH: $21.95/set :: CHERRY - WALNUT: $26.95/set
You may order these as "Backordered" any time.
Order Birch:

Order Cherry:

Order Walnut::

Any Order will be BackOrdered until Available
All pikboards and Kits are sent via Priority Mail or FedEx Ground Only!
There is NO "free" shipping on Boards or Kits!
No "Express" Services are available- since all Kits are Made-as-Ordered

Piks Dartboard
7" Board: $45.95 - 9" Board: $54.95
Ships-In 5-10 days
DARTBOARDS And KITS do NOT qualify for free shipping!
Buy the 7" Board

Buy the 9" Board

KITS (Board + Piks Darts)
Belgian Dartboard Kit Piks
"KIT" Includes Board + 2 Sets of Piks *SAVE*
Kits Include Board, 8 Vogelpik Darts
7" Board Kit: $84.95 - 9" Board Kit: $95.95
Ships-In 2-5 days
DARTBOARDS And KITS do NOT qualify for free shipping!
Buy the 7" KIT

Buy the 9" KIT
Boards & Kits are HEAVY (7"= 3 Pounds :: 9"= 4 Pounds )

Birch Vogelpik
Cherry Pix dart
Walnut Pick Dart

Birch Traditional Dart
Cherry Dart
Walnut Vogelpik

Birch Pik rounded flights
Cherry Vogelpik shieldback flights
Walnut Wooden Dart Round Turket Feather Flights
3 Woods with Rounded SHIELD-BACK FLIGHTS

Proper Care of a Belgian Pik board
Piks Dartboard in a Cage

Pik Kit
